Right now I'm in that middle ground. I'm done one phase and waiting for the next. That middle ground is also known as Kentville. Ahhh, Kentville. Home of the Apple Blossom Festival, SaveEasy, a hand full of crazies, and me.
Last weekend was the 75th? Annual AB Festival. I think it was the 75th, but I really don't remember... or care all that much. It'll be my last Apple Blossom for a very long time and I can't say that I took the opportunity to soak up all of it's greatness for the last time. I missed the fireworks, Rockfest no longer exists (not that it would be as fun when you're of age and don't have to go to school hungover the next day with crazy stories), and I worked throughout the Parade day. We closed long enough to watch the parade go by, but when I got to the street and saw four Mustang convertibles drive by, I took the back alley to Center Square to grab a beaver tail and went back to work.
After talking to many customers before and after the parade it was obvious that Apple Blossom has lost it's appeal, at least as far as the parade is concerned. Night life is still pretty awesome (from what I've been told), but the parade has become so commercial that it's actually quite boring. My 8 year old cousin wanted to go home after 20 minutes! When I was 8 I LOVED the parade! The big floats with princesses and people dancing and music playing. Candy was always thrown and everyone was waving and having a good time. Not to say that there aren't still floats and what not, but it's not the same as it used to be. For every float there are 10 cars with random nobody's showing them off. What kid wants to see that? I want to see those little 4 year olds throw the batons way up and catch them when they come back down! Now THAT'S talent! Clearly, even with it's new commercial spin, Apple Blossom still brings out the crowd, which always makes me smile. People coming from all over, to Kentville, of all places.
Other than AB, not much is going on. I live in an igloo with a dog that snores as loud as my dad. I have yet to conquer my fear of thunder and lightening. (I figured this out when I bolted out of my empty house this afternoon at the first sound of thunder... showing up to work 30 minutes early) My lovely friend Kate has been texting me from Africa, which makes me so verrry happy, and she has reminded me of one of my favorite proverbs, which I will end this blog with tonight, as my computer has 10% power left:
Fear does not travel by donkey. <-- Remember that.